How To Stop Submissive Or Excitement Urination In Shibas

If you’re a dog owner, you’re probably familiar with the frustration that comes with submissive or excited urination. This behavior can be embarrassing and difficult to manage, but it’s important to remember that it’s not your dog’s fault.

Submissive or excitement urination is a natural response to stress or excitement, and it can be managed with the right training and patience.

shiba inu meeting someone in a submissive pose

What Is Excitement Urination?

Excitement urination is a common issue that many puppies and even adult dogs face. It is when a dog urinates involuntarily when they are excited or overstimulated. This can happen in various situations, such as when you come home from work, when you greet them, or when they see other dogs or people.

Puppies are more prone to excitement urination than adult dogs because they have less control over their bladder. As they grow older and develop better bladder control, the issue usually resolves on its own. However, some dogs may continue to experience excitement urination even as adults.

It is important to understand that excitement urination is not a behavioral problem. It is a physiological response that the dog cannot control. Punishing or scolding your dog for excitement urination can make the issue worse and increase their anxiety.

One way to prevent excitement urination is to avoid overstimulating your dog. This can include avoiding prolonged eye contact, speaking in a calm tone, and not getting too close to them too quickly. You can also take your dog outside before exciting situations, such as going for a walk or playing with other dogs.

What Is Submissive Peeing?

Submissive peeing is a common issue among dogs, especially puppies. It is a behavior where a dog urinates involuntarily when they are nervous, anxious, or excited.

This peeing type is unrelated to house training or a medical issue. It is a natural response to certain situations that make your dog feel vulnerable or submissive.

Is Submissive And Excited Peeing The Same For Dogs?

Submissive peeing and excited peeing are similar, but they are not the same. Excited peeing is a behavior where a dog urinates when they are overly excited or happy. This type of peeing is common in puppies and young dogs, and it usually goes away as they mature. On the other hand, submissive peeing is a behavior where a dog urinates when they feel intimidated or submissive. This behavior is more common in adult dogs and can be a sign of anxiety or fear.

Submissive peeing is often accompanied by submissive postures, such as ears back, tail tucked, and cowering. These postures are a sign that your dog is feeling vulnerable and submissive. It is important to understand that submissive peeing is not a behavioral problem or a sign of disobedience. It is a natural response to certain situations that your dog finds intimidating or threatening.

Why Do Dogs Urinate When Acting Submissive Or Excited?

It can be frustrating and embarrassing when your dog urinates when acting submissive or excited. However, it is important to understand that this behavior is not your dog’s fault and can be caused by a variety of factors.

Showing They Aren’t a Threat

Dogs are pack animals and have a complex social hierarchy. When a dog meets another dog or person, they use body language to communicate their position in the pack. Submissive urination is a way for dogs to communicate that they are not a threat and are submitting to a higher-ranking dog or person. This behavior is more common in puppies and young dogs who are still learning social skills.


Excitement urination is another common cause of dogs urinating when acting submissive or excited. Dogs can become so excited that they lose control of their bladder. This is more common in dogs that are naturally high-strung or have a lot of energy.

Health Problem

In some cases, urinating when acting submissive or excited can be a sign of a health problem. Urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and other medical conditions can cause dogs to lose control of their bladder. If your dog is consistently urinating when acting submissive or excited, it is important to take them to the vet to rule out any underlying health issues.

In conclusion, dogs can urinate when acting submissive or excited for various reasons.

Understanding why your dog is exhibiting this behavior can help you address the issue and prevent future accidents. Remember to be patient with your dog and never punish them for something that is out of their control.

How To Stop Your Shiba’s Submissive Or Excited Peeing

Submissive Urination

When your Shiba is feeling intimidated or fearful, they may exhibit submissive urination. This natural behavior is often seen in young puppies but can continue into adulthood. If your Shiba is exhibiting submissive urination, it’s important to approach them in a calm and non-threatening manner. Avoid direct eye contact, crouching down, or reaching out to pet them. Instead, allow your Shiba to approach you on their own terms.

To prevent submissive urination, building your Shiba’s confidence through positive reinforcement training is important. Encourage them with treats and praise for good behavior, and avoid punishing them for mistakes. Gradually expose your Shiba to new experiences and situations and provide them with plenty of opportunities for exercise and play.

Excitement-based Urination

Excitement-based urination is common in young puppies and can continue into adulthood. This behavior is often triggered by excessive excitement or stimulation, such as when greeting visitors or playing with other dogs. If your Shiba is exhibiting excitement-based urination, it’s important to remain calm and avoid overstimulating them.

To prevent excitement-based urination, teaching your Shiba appropriate behavior during greetings and playtime is important. Encourage them to sit or stay when meeting new people or dogs, and reward them for calm and controlled behavior. Avoid overly-exciting playtime and instead focus on training and mental stimulation activities.

Seek Professional Help

If your Shiba’s submissive or excitement-based urination is severe or persistent, it may be necessary to seek professional help. A veterinarian or animal behaviorist can provide guidance and support for managing this behavior. They may recommend behavior modification techniques, medication, or other interventions to help your Shiba overcome their urination issues.

Remember, it’s important to approach your Shiba’s urination issues with patience and understanding. With the right training and support, your Shiba can overcome their submissive or excitement-based urination and become a confident and well-behaved companion.

How Long Does Submissive Urination Last?

Submissive urination can be a frustrating issue for pet owners to deal with, but the good news is that it can be resolved with patience and training. The duration of submissive urination can vary depending on the issue’s severity and the training’s consistency.

How Do You Fix Submissive Urination?

To fix submissive urination, it’s important to first understand why it’s happening. Submissive urination is often a result of fear or anxiety in dogs and can be triggered by various situations, such as meeting new people or animals, loud noises, or even just being scolded.

The first step to fixing submissive urination is to remain calm and patient with your dog. Punishing or scolding them will only make the issue worse. Instead, try the following methods:

  • Ignore the behavior: When your dog greets you or visitors, avoid eye contact or any other actions that may excite them. This will help reduce their anxiety and prevent submissive urination.
  • Train your dog: Consistent training and positive reinforcement can help build your dog’s confidence and reduce their anxiety. Start with basic commands and gradually work up to more challenging situations.
  • Use pheromone sprays: Pheromone sprays can help reduce anxiety in dogs and may be effective in reducing submissive urination.

Can You Train Out Excited Peeing?

Excitement urination is another common issue that can be resolved with training. Excitement urination is often seen in puppies and young dogs but can occur in dogs of any age.

To train our excitement urination, try the following methods:

  • Avoid overstimulation: When greeting your dog or playing with them, avoid overstimulating them with loud noises or rough play. This can trigger excitement urination.
  • Take frequent potty breaks: Make sure your dog has plenty of opportunities to go potty throughout the day. This can help reduce the likelihood of excitement urination.
  • Positive reinforcement: When your dog does go potty outside, give them plenty of praise and treats. This will help reinforce the behavior and reduce the likelihood of excited urination.

Do Dogs Pee From Separation Anxiety?

Separation anxiety is a common problem among dogs, and it can lead to various behavioral issues, including submissive or excited urination. When dogs are anxious or fearful, they may lose control of their bladder and urinate involuntarily. Separation anxiety can cause dogs to feel nervous and stressed when they are left alone, leading to unwanted urination.

If your dog is peeing from separation anxiety, there are several things you can do to help them feel more comfortable and secure when you are away. Some tips include:

  • Gradually increase the amount of time your dog spends alone to help them get used to it.
  • Providing plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to help your dog feel more relaxed and tired.
  • Using calming aids such as pheromone sprays or diffusers or natural remedies like CBD oil or chamomile to help your dog feel more relaxed.
  • Consult with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist to develop a customized plan to address your dog’s separation anxiety.

It’s important to note that other factors, such as a lack of proper house training or medical issues can also cause submissive or excited urination. If you suspect that your dog’s urination is related to a medical issue, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian.


Submissive or excited urination can be frustrating for you and your pet. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to help reduce or eliminate this behavior.

First, it’s important to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the problem. Your veterinarian can perform a thorough physical exam and run any necessary tests to ensure your pet is healthy.

Next, work on building your pet’s confidence and reducing their anxiety. Positive reinforcement training, such as clicker training or obedience classes, can achieve this.

It’s also important to avoid punishment or scolding when your pet has an accident, as this can increase their anxiety and make the problem worse. Instead, focus on rewarding good behavior and providing plenty of positive reinforcement.

Finally, consider using products such as belly bands or diapers to help manage the issue while you work on training and behavior modification.

You can help your pet overcome submissive or excited urination and enjoy a happier, healthier life with patience, consistency, and a positive attitude.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Breed Of Dogs Pee When Excited?

Any breed of dog can pee when they get too excited or submissive. However, some breeds may be more prone to this behavior than others. Breeds that are known to have a sensitive temperament, such as toy breeds or some hounds, may be more likely to exhibit submissive or excited urination.

Will Fixing My Dog Help Submissive Peeing?

Fixing your dog may or may not help with submissive peeing, as the behavior is often related to anxiety and stress. While neutering or spaying your dog can help reduce the amount of testosterone in their system, which can sometimes contribute to the behavior, it is not a guaranteed solution. Training and behavior modification are often more effective in addressing submissive peeing.

How Do I Stop My Dog from Being Submissive?

There are several steps you can take to help your dog overcome submissive peeing:

  • Avoid punishment or scolding, as this can make the behavior worse.
  • Provide plenty of positive reinforcement for good behavior.
  • Gradually expose your dog to situations that trigger the behavior, and reward them for remaining calm.
  • Use positive reinforcement training techniques to build your dog’s confidence and reduce anxiety.
  • Work with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist if the behavior persists.

Remember that submissive peeing is a natural behavior for dogs, and it may take time and patience to help your dog overcome it. However, with consistent training and positive reinforcement, most dogs can learn to control their bladder and overcome the behavior.

Colby Adkins

I am a proud Shiba Inu owner who is just looking to share any tips, tricks, or advice I have to help others.

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