How To Spot An Manage Your Shibas Anxiety (Explained)

Shiba Inus are known for their spirited personalities and fox-like appearance, making them a popular dog breed. However, like any other breed, Shiba Inus can suffer from anxiety. It’s essential for you, as their owner, to recognize the signs and learn how to help ease your furry friend’s stress.

stressed and anxious shiba

Anxiety in Shiba Inus can manifest in various ways, and it’s usually caused by separation from their owner, loud noises, or new environments. Recognizing these triggers and implementing strategies to alleviate anxiety can make a world of difference in your pup’s quality of life.

Are Shiba Inus An Anxious Dog Breed?

Shiba Inus can experience anxiety, but not all individuals will necessarily feel anxious. Anxiety levels may vary due to genetics, environment, and socialization. Shiba Inus are independent, confident, and intelligent. However, if their needs for mental stimulation and physical exercise are not met, they may become anxious.

Signs Your Shiba Is Anxious

If you notice your Shiba Inu displaying unusual behavior, it could be a sign of anxiety or stress. Keep an eye out for these common indicators:

  • Body language: A stressed Shiba may have their ears pinned back, tail tucked, or display a tense posture. They could also avoid eye contact.
  • Panting and trembling: An anxious Shiba might start panting heavily or shaking, even when it’s not hot or after exercise.
  • Pacing: Walking back and forth or around in circles can be a sign of uneasiness.
  • Whining or excessive barking: Shibas are generally a quieter breed, so persistent vocalizations could mean they’re feeling stressed.
  • Biting or aggression: Anxiety can lead to irritated or defensive behaviors, like nipping or growling at people or other animals.
  • Accidents: While house-trained Shibas can have occasional accidents, frequent urination or defecation indoors can be a result of anxiety.

By staying aware of these signs, you’ll be better able to address any anxiety issues your Shiba Inu may be experiencing. Remember to consult with your veterinarian for guidance and treatment options.

The Different Types of Dog Anxiety

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is common in Shiba Inus, as they’re naturally very loyal to their owners, leading some to become fidgety or even anxious might become anxious when you’re not around, or anytime you’re about to leave. Common triggers might include picking up your keys or putting on your shoes.

To help ease your pup’s anxiety, try creating a comfortable space for them to relax in while you’re away. Make sure this area has a comfortable bed, toys, and even some of your scents, like a worn t-shirt. Keeping a routine may also help your Shiba Inu feel more secure.

Noise Anxiety

Noise anxiety is another concern for Shiba Inu owners. Your pup may become anxious when they hear loud noises, such as thunderstorms or fireworks. You may notice excessive barking, trembling, or even destructive behavior during these noisy events.

To help your Shiba Inu with noise anxiety, try offering a safe space for them to retreat to when they feel overwhelmed by loud sounds. This could be a room with a white noise machine, or somewhere they associate with comfort, such as their crate. It’s also essential to remain calm and reassuring, as your Shiba Inu will pick up on your emotions.

Social Anxiety

Lastly, Shiba Inus can also experience social anxiety. If your dog becomes aggressive or overly timid around other dogs or people, they might be dealing with social anxiety. To address this issue, you’ll need to work on socializing your Shiba Inu from a young age, gradually exposing them to new experiences and positive interactions.

Exercise can be greatly beneficial for calming an anxious Shiba Inu. Engage in regular activities like walks, playtime, or even agility training to keep your dog active and happy. Remember that as a dog owner, it’s your responsibility to provide a safe and comfortable environment for your Shiba Inu to overcome their anxieties.

Common Causes of Shiba Inu Anxiety

Poor Socialization

Proper socialization is crucial for your Shiba Inu’s mental well-being. Puppies should be exposed to various experiences, people, and other dogs to help them develop confidence and adaptability.

If your Shiba Inu has not been adequately socialized, they might experience anxiety in unfamiliar situations. Gradually exposing your pup to different environments and positive encounters can help reduce their stress.

Negative & Traumatic Experiences

Shiba Inus may develop anxiety due to past negative or traumatic experiences. If your dog has had an unsettling event, such as an accident or aggressive interaction with another dog, it might lead to fear and anxiety in similar situations.

It’s essential to help your Shiba Inu overcome these anxieties with patience, understanding, and positive reinforcement.

Being Separated From You

Separation anxiety is a common issue among many dog breeds, including Shiba Inu. Your pup may become anxious when left alone, especially if they’re not used to being separated from you. This anxiety typically manifests as destructive behaviors, continuous barking, or even accidents around the house.

Ensuring a consistent routine, providing mental stimulation, and gradually increasing the time spent apart can help alleviate your Shiba Inu’s separation anxiety.

Sudden Loud Noises

Noise anxiety is another frequent cause of stress in Shiba Inus. They might be sensitive to loud noises like thunderstorms, fireworks, or even the vacuum cleaner. These sudden sounds can trigger fear and anxiety in your dog, causing them to bark excessively or seek refuge in a safe space.

To help your Shiba Inu cope with noise anxiety, create a comfortable and secure environment for them during these events and consider using calming aids, such as calming collars or pheromone diffusers, to reduce their stress.

How To Treat And Manage Your Shiba’s Anxiety

Behavioral Adjustment

Helping your Shiba Inu cope with anxiety often begins with understanding and modifying their behavior. Positive reinforcement training is a key component of behavior modification. Praise your Shiba and offer rewards for displaying calm and relaxed behavior. This encourages them to replace anxious behaviors with more positive ones.

Break down your training into smaller, manageable steps and be patient. Consistency is important, so make sure to establish a routine and provide a stable environment to help reduce their anxiety.


Desensitizing your Shiba Inu to the source of their anxiety can be a useful approach. Gradually expose them to the anxiety-inducing situation in a controlled manner while ensuring they remain relaxed.

Start with low levels of stimulus and slowly increase the intensity, always monitoring your furry friend’s reactions and adjusting the exposure accordingly.

Remember that desensitization is a process that takes time, so don’t rush it. Also, don’t push your Shiba beyond their comfort zone.

Medication / Calming Treats

In some cases, medication may be necessary to help manage your Shiba Inu’s anxiety. Always consult with your veterinarian before administering any medication. With the most popular dog-calming treats/supplements being:

Zesty Paws Calming Chews

Zesty Paws Calming Chews

Zesty Paws Calming Chews for Dogs offer a natural approach to helping dogs manage stress and anxiety. They contain a blend of ingredients that are intended to promote relaxation and composure.

While the effectiveness of the product may vary from dog to dog, many pet owners have reported positive outcomes. However, it’s important to remember that these chews are a supplemental aid and should be used alongside appropriate training and care strategies for optimal results.

NaturVet Quiet Moments

NaturVet Quiet Moments

The NaturVet Quiet Moments Calming Aid Dog Supplement offers a natural way to help dogs relax and reduce stress during various situations. While it can be effective for some dogs, results may vary, and it might not completely eliminate severe anxiety or behavioral issues.

It’s worth trying for dog owners seeking a non-medicated option to help manage their pet’s stress, but it’s important to consult a veterinarian for appropriate guidance, especially for dogs with significant anxiety problems.

PREMIUM CARE Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs

PREMIUM CARE Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs

The Premium Care Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs offers a natural solution for managing anxiety, stress, and related behaviors in dogs.

While the effectiveness can vary, the positive reviews and natural ingredient list suggest that these chews could be worth trying for dogs struggling with anxiety-related issues. The variety of flavors provides convenience for dog owners seeking a solution for their pets’ stress and anxiety.

What Not To Do With An Anxious Shiba Inu

Another Pet Doesn’t Solve The Problem

You might think that getting another pet will help your anxious Shiba Inu feel less lonely and stressed. However, this can backfire and introduce new sources of anxiety for your Shiba.

The two pets may not get along, leading to even more stress for your furry friend. Give your Shiba Inu time to adjust and work on their anxiety, instead of seeking quick fixes.

Crating Only Restricts Them

Crating your Shiba Inu may appear to be a viable solution, but it doesn’t really address the underlying issue of anxiety. A crate may offer a temporary safe space, but it restricts your dog’s movement and can lead to increased stress over time.

Instead of solely relying on crating, focus on addressing the root causes of your Shiba’s anxiety.

Obedience Training

While obedience training can help your Shiba Inu learn important commands and improve their behavior, it isn’t necessarily a direct solution for anxiety.

Anxiety is an emotional state that requires understanding and patience. Training classes can be helpful in building confidence, but they’re not a cure-all. Work closely with your dog to determine the most effective strategies to address their anxiety alongside obedience training.

Punishing Your Shiba Only Amplifies The Issue

If your Shiba Inu is anxious, punishing them for displaying anxious behavior will only make things worse. Instead of getting angry or annoyed, try to empathize with your dog’s stress.

Rather than punishment, use positive reinforcement and rewards to help your Shiba feel secure and redirect their anxious energy towards healthier behaviors.

Leaving Music On

Though leaving music on might seem like a comforting idea for your anxious Shiba Inu, it doesn’t always help. In some cases, it might even cause more anxiety. Different dogs have different preferences, and what works for one might not work for another.

Getting to know your Shiba’s specific anxiety triggers and working on personalized solutions is the key to providing the right kind of support.

Summary Of Anxiety In Shiba Inus

As with any other breed, Shiba Inus can experience anxiety. As an owner, it’s crucial to understand the potential triggers and behaviors associated with anxiety. To identify anxiety in your Shiba Inu, look for signs such as excessive barking, whining, and trembling, which can be caused by various factors such as separation, loud noises, unfamiliar environments, or feeling threatened.

Providing a safe, comfortable environment with a cozy spot for your furry friend to retreat to when they feel scared or overwhelmed can help reduce anxiety levels, along with adequate exercise and mental stimulation. Training and socialization during their early life stage can minimize the development of anxiety. If anxiety becomes severe or unmanageable, consult a professional, like a veterinarian or dog behaviorist.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Help My Shiba Inu With Separation Anxiety?

Establish a consistent routine for departures and arrivals to help your Shiba Inu cope with separation anxiety. Gradually increase the time you spend away from them and provide interactive toys or treats to keep them occupied. Keep goodbyes and hellos low-key to avoid reinforcing their anxiety.

What Are Common Signs Of Anxiety In A Shiba Inu?

Common signs of anxiety in a Shiba Inu include excessive barking, pacing, panting, trembling, destructive behavior, and inappropriate elimination. They may also exhibit clinginess and refuse to eat in your absence.

How Do You Ease A Scared Shiba Inu?

Speak calmly and offer treats or toys to distract your Shiba Inu from their fear. Reward them for their bravery as you gradually expose them to the trigger. Never force them to confront their fears head-on.

Are Shibas More Likely To Suffer From Anxiety?

Shibas can be prone to anxiety and nervousness due to their sensitive nature. They may develop anxiety if they haven’t been adequately socialized as puppies or if they’ve experienced trauma. Regardless of the breed, every dog is different, and some Shiba Inus may have a more anxious disposition than others.

What Causes Shiba Inus To Tremble?

Shiba Inus may tremble due to anxiety, fear, cold temperatures, or excitement. Observe their body language and situations to determine the cause. If concerned, consult a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues.

How Can I Understand My Shiba Inu’s Body Language?

To understand your Shiba Inu’s feelings, watch their body language. A relaxed dog has a loose body, wagging tail, and perked ears. But an anxious or fearful dog may have a stiff body, pinned-back ears, and a tucked tail. Observe your dog’s behavior over time to learn their unique cues.

Colby Adkins

I am a proud Shiba Inu owner who is just looking to share any tips, tricks, or advice I have to help others.

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