Common Reasons Your Shiba Refuses To Walk (Beginners Guide)

Having a Shiba Inu means you’re supposed to have a lively and energetic companion. However, when your furry friend doesn’t seem interested in going for a walk, it can be a cause for concern and confusion.

It’s not uncommon for some dogs, including Shiba Inus, to refuse going for walks or even hesitate once they’re outside.

shiba inu puppy sitting while on a walk

Is It Normal For Shiba Inus To Refuse To Walk?

Shiba Inus may not always enjoy walks due to their independent nature. Reasons for refusal could be tiredness, lack of socialization, or health issues. Gradual exposure to new places and consulting a vet for health concerns can help.

Common Reasons Shiba Inus Refuse To Walk

Your Shiba May Be Tired Or Fatigued

Sometimes, your Shiba Inu may simply be tired or fatigued from a previous activity. Keep in mind the age of your dog – young puppies and older adult Shibas may have different exercise needs. Make sure your Shiba is getting the appropriate amount of rest and exercise for their age to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.

They’re In Pain

If your Shiba Inu is refusing to walk, it could be a sign that they are experiencing pain or discomfort. Watch for limping, crying out, or other signs of pain during your walk. If you suspect your Shiba may be in pain, consult your vet for advice on how to address the issue.

Lack Of Experience Or Training

A lack of experience or training can make your Shiba reluctant to go on walks. This is especially true for young puppies that have not yet been exposed to different sights, smells, and sounds outside. Consider using treats and positive reinforcement to encourage your Shiba to walk and learn to enjoy their time outside.

They Don’t Want To Go Home Yet

Your Shiba Inu may be refusing to walk simply because they are not ready to go home. This could be due to excitement, mental stimulation, or an irresistible scent they’ve picked up. If this is the case, try redirecting their attention or changing your walking route to minimize any distractions.

Tunnel Vision On Something

Shiba Inus are known for their stubbornness and tunnel vision on certain objects or smells. If your Shiba refuses to walk, they might be zoned in on something that has piqued their interest. Redirect their focus by using treats, toys, or even changing your walking direction.

6 Ways To Get Your Shiba Inu Interested In Walking

1) Bring A Couple Treats With You For A Training Break

Carrying a few tasty treats with you on your walk can make a major difference. Use them as rewards for good behavior, like walking nicely on the leash. This positive reinforcement helps your Shiba Inu associate walking with something enjoyable, making them more eager to walk.

2) Let Them Explore And Investigate

Dogs are curious by nature, and Shiba Inus are no exception. Allow your Shiba some time to sniff around and explore their surroundings during the walk. By giving them time to satisfy their curiosity, they’ll be more inclined to walk willingly.

3) Grab A Stick And Play For A Couple Minutes

Take advantage of your Shiba’s playful nature by taking a quick break to play during your walk. Grab a stick or bring a favorite toy and engage them in a game of fetch for a couple of minutes. By incorporating play into the walk, it’ll become a fun activity they look forward to.

4) Start Jogging To Get Your Shiba To Chase You

Jogging or running can be an excellent way to get your Shiba Inu moving. This helps tap into their instinctive chasing behavior. Start jogging at a moderate pace, and your Shiba should naturally want to follow.

Over time, they may begin to associate going for walks with the excitement of chasing.

5) Take A New Route

Exploring a new route or taking a scenic detour can make walking more exciting for your Shiba Inu. They’ll be more interested in walking if there’s something new to discover. Changing up the route keeps the activity fresh and stimulating.

6) Give Them A Few Minutes To Recover If They’re Tired

Sometimes, your Shiba Inu might just be exhausted. If they seem particularly resistant to walking, give them a break to rest and recover. Always pay attention to your dog’s body language and energy levels to ensure their overall well-being during walks.

3 Things To Avoid When Your Shiba Doesn’t Want To Walk

1) Don’t Drag Your Dog

Resist the temptation to drag your Shiba Inu when they refuse to walk. Forcing your dog to walk when they don’t want to will only create negative associations with walking and can result in injury. Instead, try to figure out the reason behind their reluctance.

It could be physical discomfort, fear, or an environmental factor.

2) Avoid Picking Them Up Unless It’s An Emergency

While it might seem like a quick fix, picking up your Shiba when they refuse to walk should be avoided, as it can create a dependence on being carried instead of walking. In emergency situations, such as imminent danger, it’s appropriate to pick up your dog for safety reasons.

However, in general, it’s best to find a solution to encourage them to walk on their own.

3) Don’t Bribe Them With Treats To Continue Moving

Using treats as a bribe to get your Shiba Inu moving might seem like a harmless solution, but it can lead to problems down the road. Instead of coaxing them with treats, try addressing the root of the issue.

For example, if your Shiba is reluctant to walk because of loud noises, work on desensitizing them to these sounds in a controlled environment. By addressing the underlying cause, you’ll help your dog feel more comfortable and confident during walks without relying on treats.

How Often Should A Shiba Inu Be Walked?

Your Shiba Inu requires regular exercise to maintain its health and happiness. Walking your dog for 30 minutes to an hour at least twice a day is generally recommended.

However, the amount of exercise your Shiba Inu needs can vary depending on its age, health, and energy level. Older dogs or those that are less active may require shorter walks. It’s important to pay attention to your dog’s behavior and adjust their routine accordingly.

If your Shiba Inu is restless or exhibits destructive behavior, it could be a sign that they need more exercise. When walking your dog, consider incorporating various activities such as brisk walks, jogging, and hiking.

Mental stimulation is essential for this intelligent and curious breed. Socializing your Shiba Inu with other dogs during walks can also contribute to their overall well-being. Regular social interaction can help reduce anxiety, aggression, and destructive habits.

Dog parks and playdates with other dog owners are great ways to ensure your Shiba Inu is getting the social interaction it needs. It’s crucial to follow leash laws and keep your Shiba Inu on a sturdy leash at all times during walks.

This breed is known for its independent nature and strong prey drive, so securing them will ensure their safety as well as the safety of other animals and pedestrians.


Your Shiba Inu might not want to walk for various reasons, and it’s essential to understand the cause before finding a solution. In some cases, it may be due to fear or anxiety, while in others, it could be because of health concerns.

If your Shiba Inu is showing signs of fear or anxiety, try to figure out the triggers and work on making them feel more at ease. For example, noisy streets or unfamiliar people could be contributing factors. By gradually exposing your dog to these situations, you can help them become more confident and willing to walk.

On the other hand, health problems can also affect your dog’s motivation to walk. Be sure to keep an eye on any signs of discomfort or pain, such as limping or whining. A visit to the veterinarian might be necessary to diagnose and treat any underlying issues. Also, remember that regular check-ups and keeping up with vaccinations play a significant role in maintaining your Shiba Inu’s overall health.

At times, your Shiba Inu may not want to walk because they feel bored with the same walking route. Mixing up your daily walks with new routes or introducing fun games like fetch or hide-and-seek can help keep your dog engaged and excited to go on walks.

Finally, remember that patience and consistency are key. Approach the situation calmly and give your Shiba Inu the time and space they need to overcome their reluctance. With understanding and persistence, you can help your furry friend look forward to their walks again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Shiba Inu Like To Go On Walks?

Shiba Inus generally enjoy going for walks. They are active, curious dogs that require daily exercise to maintain their physical and mental well-being. However, each Shiba Inu’s personality and preferences may differ, so it’s important to observe your dog’s behavior and adapt to their needs.

Can Shiba Inus Be Trusted Off Leash?

Shiba Inus have a strong prey drive and are easily distracted by their surroundings. As a result, it’s generally not recommended to have them off-leash unless you are in a fully enclosed area. Always supervise your Shiba Inu to ensure their safety and the safety of those around them.

What Happens If You Rarely Walk Your Dog?

Infrequent walks can lead to various issues for your dog, including obesity, boredom, and destructive behaviors. Regular exercise is essential for a Shiba Inu’s health and happiness, so it’s crucial to provide them with daily physical activities.

Why Are Shiba Hard To Train?

Shiba Inus are intelligent but also independent dogs, which can make them stubborn and challenging to train. They might resist repetitive training techniques or become bored quickly. It’s essential to use positive reinforcement and maintain patience while training your Shiba.

How Do I Stop My Shiba From Pulling On The Leash?

To stop your Shiba from pulling on the leash, use a harness, and implement consistent training techniques. Focus on rewarding good behavior with treats or praise, and practice loose-leash walking regularly. If your Shiba continues to pull, consider working with a professional trainer to address the issue effectively.

Why Does My Shiba Stop Walking?

A Shiba Inu might stop walking for various reasons, including fear, discomfort, or a stubborn streak. Identifying the cause and addressing it can help improve your walks together. For instance, if your Shiba is fearful, introduce new environments gradually, and use positive reinforcement.

How Can I Leash-Train My Shiba Inu?

Teaching your Shiba Inu to walk on a loose leash without pulling, lunging, or stopping suddenly involves short, controlled sessions in a familiar environment. Gradually increase complexity and duration. Reinforce good behavior with praise and treats to make leash training enjoyable for both you and your Shiba.

Is It Normal For A Dog To Suddenly Not Want To Walk?

If your dog suddenly refuses to walk, it could indicate a physical issue, anxiety, or even a change in your dog’s environment. Consult your veterinarian to rule out health concerns, and then assess any possible environmental factors that could be causing the change in behavior.

Do Shibas Generally Like Going For Walks?

Shiba Inus are a highly active breed that tend to enjoy going for walks. However, it’s important to consider the specific needs of your individual dog and adapt your walking routine accordingly.

Colby Adkins

I am a proud Shiba Inu owner who is just looking to share any tips, tricks, or advice I have to help others.

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