Shiba Inu Shaking: Cute Quirk or Cause for Concern?

stressed and anxious shiba

Have you ever noticed your Shiba Inu shaking? It’s a common behavior that many Shiba owners have witnessed. While it may seem concerning or unusual, shaking is natural for many dogs, including Shibas.

Why Is My Shiba Inu Shaking?

If you are a Shiba Inu owner, you may have noticed that your dog sometimes shakes or trembles. While it is normal for dogs to shake occasionally, excessive shaking can be a sign of an underlying health issue. Here are some reasons why your Shiba Inu might be shaking:

Anxiety and Stress

Shiba Inus are known for their independent and stubborn nature but can also be sensitive dogs. If your Shiba Inu is shaking and you can’t find any other physical cause, it may be due to anxiety or stress. Some common triggers that can cause anxiety and stress in dogs include loud noises, changes in routine, and separation anxiety.

Cold Weather

Shiba Inus have a thick double coat that helps keep them warm in cold weather. However, if your Shiba Inu is shaking excessively, it may be a sign that they are feeling too cold. This is especially true if your dog is shaking outside in cold weather or is not used to being in cold temperatures.

Medical Issues

Excessive shaking can sometimes be a sign of a medical issue. If your Shiba Inu is shaking and you can’t find any other cause, it may be a good idea to take them to the vet for a checkup. Some medical issues that can cause shaking in dogs include:

  • Pain
  • Neurological issues
  • Poisoning
  • Hypoglycemia

Common Signs Of Shiba Inu Anxiety

If you own a Shiba Inu, you might have noticed that they sometimes shake or tremble. While this can be a normal behavior, it can also be a sign of anxiety.

Here are some common signs of Shiba Inu anxiety:

  • Shaking or Trembling: This is one of the most common signs of anxiety in Shiba Inus. If you notice your dog shaking or trembling, it could be a sign that they are nervous or scared.
  • Pacing: If your Shiba Inu starts to pace back and forth, it could be a sign that they are feeling anxious. This behavior is often accompanied by panting and restlessness.
  • Excessive Barking: Shiba Inus are known for being vocal dogs, but if your dog starts to bark excessively, it could be a sign of anxiety. This behavior is often accompanied by pacing and restlessness.
  • Hiding: If your Shiba Inu starts to hide or retreat to a quiet place, it could be a sign that they are feeling anxious. This behavior is often accompanied by shaking or trembling.
  • Destructive Behavior: If your Shiba Inu starts to chew on furniture or destroy household items, it could be a sign of anxiety. This behavior is often accompanied by pacing and restlessness.

If you notice any of these signs in your Shiba Inu, addressing the issue as soon as possible is important. Talk to your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer to get advice on how to help your dog feel more comfortable and relaxed.

What To Do If Your Dog Is Shaking

If you notice that your Shiba is shaking, it is important to take action to ensure their health and well-being. Here are some steps you can take:

Step 1: Observe Your Dog

The first thing to do is observe your dog and determine the cause of the shaking. Is your dog cold or wet? Are they scared or anxious? Are they in pain? By observing your dog, you can better understand what might be causing the shaking.

Step 2: Check Your Dog’s Environment

If your dog is shaking due to being cold or wet, you can help by providing a warm and dry environment. Make sure your dog has a comfortable and warm place to rest and dry off. You may also want to consider providing a blanket or coat to help keep them warm.

Step 3: Comfort Your Dog

If your dog is shaking due to fear or anxiety, comforting them and reassuring them is important. Talk to your dog calmly and soothingly, and try to distract them with toys or treats. You may also want to consider using a calming aid such as a pheromone diffuser or a calming collar.

Step 4: Seek Veterinary Care

If your dog is shaking due to pain or illness, it is important to seek veterinary care. Your vet can help determine the cause of the shaking and provide appropriate treatment. Be sure to provide your vet with as much information as possible about your dog’s symptoms and behavior.

Remember, shaking can be a sign of a serious health issue, so it is important to take action if you notice your Shiba shaking. Following these steps can help ensure your dog’s health and well-being.

Do Shiba Inus Have Anxiety Problems?

Shiba Inus are known to be an independent breed, but they can also be prone to anxiety. Anxiety in Shiba Inus can manifest in various ways, such as shaking, excessive barking, destructive behavior, and even aggression.

One of the main reasons why Shiba Inus can experience anxiety is due to their strong attachment to their owners. They are known to form close bonds with their owners and can become anxious when separated from them. Additionally, routine or environment changes can trigger anxiety in Shiba Inus.

It’s important to note that not all Shiba Inus will experience anxiety, and those that do may have varying levels of severity. However, if you notice any signs of anxiety in your Shiba Inu, it’s important to address them promptly to prevent them from escalating.

Some ways to help alleviate anxiety in Shiba Inus include providing them with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, creating a calm and predictable environment, and using positive reinforcement training techniques. In some cases, medication or professional behavior training may also be necessary.

How Do You Calm A Shiba Inu?

When your Shiba Inu is shaking or experiencing anxiety, it’s important to know how to calm them down. Here are some tips to help you soothe your furry friend:

1) Create a Calm Environment

Shibas are sensitive to their surroundings, so creating a calm environment can help your dog relax. Make sure the room is quiet and free from distractions. Turn off the TV and any loud music. You can also use aromatherapy to create a calming atmosphere. Try using lavender oil or chamomile to help your Shiba relax.

2) Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a great way to calm your Shiba Inu. Use treats or toys to reward good behavior. This will help your dog associate calm behavior with positive experiences. Be sure to praise your Shiba when they are calm and relaxed.

3) Exercise

Exercise is a great way to calm your Shiba Inu. Take your dog for a walk or play a game of fetch. This will help your dog burn off excess energy and reduce anxiety. Be sure to provide plenty of water during exercise.

4) Massage

Massaging your Shiba Inu can help them relax. Use gentle pressure and circular motions to massage your dog’s back, neck, and legs. This will help your dog feel more comfortable and reduce anxiety.

5) Consult Your Vet

If your Shiba Inu is experiencing severe anxiety or shaking, it’s important to consult your vet. Your vet can help you determine the underlying cause of your dog’s anxiety and recommend appropriate treatment. Medication may sometimes be necessary to help your Shiba Inu relax.

Following these tips can help calm your Shiba Inu and reduce their anxiety. Remember to be patient and consistent in your efforts to soothe your furry friend.


Shiba Inus are a breed of dogs that are known for their unique appearance and personality. One of the common behaviors that Shiba Inus exhibit is shaking or trembling, which can be caused by various factors.

One of the most common reasons why Shiba Inus shake is due to excitement or anxiety. This can happen when they are meeting new people, going to new places, or experiencing new things. Shaking in these situations is a way for them to release their nervous energy and cope with their emotions.

Another reason why Shiba Inus shake is due to cold temperatures. These dogs have a thick double coat that helps them stay warm in colder climates, but they can still feel the chill. Shaking is a way for them to generate heat and warm up their bodies.

Shaking can also be a sign of health issues or discomfort, such as pain, illness, or injury. If your Shiba Inu is shaking excessively or showing other signs of discomfort, it is important to take them to the vet for a checkup.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Be Worried If My Dog Is Shaking?

Shaking can be normal for dogs, especially for small breeds like Shiba Inus. However, if your dog is shaking excessively, it may be a sign of a health issue. If you notice your dog shaking more than usual or if the shaking is accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or vomiting, you should consult your veterinarian.

Are Shiba Inus Clingy?

Shiba Inus are known for being independent and aloof. They are not typically considered a clingy breed. However, every dog is different; some Shiba Inus may be more affectionate than others. If you are looking for a very affectionate dog that loves to cuddle, a Shiba Inu may not be the best choice.

Do Shiba Inus Like Being Left Alone?

Shiba Inus are independent dogs and can tolerate being left alone for short periods of time. However, they do require socialization and exercise and should not be left alone for extended periods of time on a regular basis. If you will be away from home for an extended period, it is important to arrange for someone to check on your Shiba Inu and provide them with exercise and socialization.

What Behavioral Problems Do Shiba Inus Have?

Shiba Inus are known for being stubborn and independent, which can make them difficult to train. They can also be aggressive towards other dogs and may have a high prey drive, which can make them difficult to socialize. It is important to socialize your Shiba Inu from a young age and to provide them with consistent, positive training.

How Do You Know If A Shiba Inu Is Happy?

Shiba Inus are generally happy and content when they are relaxed and calm. They may wag their tail or make soft vocalizations when they are happy. However, every dog is different, and it is important to pay attention to your Shiba Inu’s body language and behavior to understand their individual signals of happiness.

Colby Adkins

I am a proud Shiba Inu owner who is just looking to share any tips, tricks, or advice I have to help others.

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