Shiba Inu Digging: How to Stop this Nasty Habit (Answered)

If you’re a Shiba Inu owner, you may be all too familiar with their love of digging. These small, spirited dogs have a natural instinct to dig, and it’s not uncommon for them to start digging holes in your yard or garden. While this behavior can be frustrating, it’s important to understand why your Shiba Inu is digging and how you can redirect their energy.

shiba inu puppy playing in dirt

Why Is My Dog Compulsive Digging?

If you have a Shiba Inu dog, you may have noticed that they have a tendency to dig. While this behavior is not unique to the breed, it is more common in Shiba Inus than in other breeds.

Do Shiba Inu Dogs Dig?

Yes, Shiba Inu dogs are known for their digging behavior. This is because they have a strong instinct to dig, which is rooted in their history as hunting dogs. Shiba Inus were originally bred to hunt small game, such as rabbits and rodents, and digging was an important part of their hunting strategy.

Root Cause of Compulsive Digging

While digging is a natural behavior for Shiba Inus, compulsive digging can be a sign of an underlying issue. One possible cause of compulsive digging is pain or discomfort. Your dog may be digging to alleviate discomfort caused by an injury or medical condition.

If you suspect that pain is the root cause of your dog’s digging behavior, it is important to consult with a veterinarian.

Another possible cause of compulsive digging is boredom or lack of stimulation. Shiba Inus are intelligent dogs that require mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy. If your dog is not getting enough exercise or mental stimulation, they may turn to digging as a way to entertain themselves.

How To Stop Your Shiba’s Digging

It can be frustrating and destructive if your Shiba Inu is digging holes in your yard. Here are some tips to help you stop your Shiba’s digging habit.

Help Them Get Their Energy Out

One of the main reasons Shibas dig is because they have excess energy. Make sure your Shiba is getting enough exercise every day. Take them for walks or runs, play fetch, or let them play with other dogs. If your Shiba is tired, they are less likely to dig.

Make Sure They Have a Way to Get Cool

Shibas are prone to overheating, especially in hot weather. If your Shiba is digging to create a cool spot to lie down, make sure they have access to shade, water, and a cool surface to rest on. Consider providing a kiddie pool or sprinkler for your Shiba to play in.

Give Them Something to Do

If your Shiba is bored, they may turn to digging as a form of entertainment. Provide your Shiba with plenty of toys and chew bones to keep them occupied. Puzzle toys and treat-dispensing toys can also be helpful in keeping your Shiba mentally stimulated.

Add Digging Deterrents

There are several products on the market designed to deter digging. You can try placing chicken wire or rocks in the areas where your Shiba likes to dig. You can also try spraying a deterrent spray on the areas you want to protect. Some people have had success with burying balloons or placing a motion-activated sprinkler in the area.

Get In-Home Training

If your Shiba’s digging habit is persistent, it may be time to seek professional help. Look for a trainer who specializes in Shiba Inus and can help you address the underlying cause of the digging behavior. Be consistent in your training and reward your Shiba for good behavior.

Following these tips can help stop your Shiba’s digging habit and protect your yard. Remember to be patient and consistent in your efforts to train your Shiba.

Common Reasons Shiba Inus Dig

If you own a Shiba Inu, you may have noticed that they love to dig. While this behavior can be frustrating, it’s important to understand why your dog is doing it so that you can address the root cause. Here are some common reasons why Shiba Inus digs:

They Want A Cool Place To Lay In

Shiba Inus are known for having thick coats, which can make them prone to overheating. Your Shiba Inu may be digging because they want to create a cool place to lay in. By digging a hole, they can expose cooler soil that can help them regulate their body temperature.

They’re Bored

If your Shiba Inu is bored, they may turn to digging as a way to entertain themselves. This is especially true if they don’t have access to toys or other forms of stimulation. If you notice your Shiba Inu digging in the same spot repeatedly, this may be a sign that they’re bored.

They’ve Been Left Alone For Too Long

Shiba Inus are social animals and can become anxious when left alone for long periods of time. If your Shiba Inu is digging while you’re away, it may be a sign that they’re feeling anxious or stressed. This behavior can also be a way for them to release pent-up energy.

They’re Hunting Something

Shiba Inus have a high prey drive and are natural hunters. If your Shiba Inu is digging in a specific area, it may be because they’re trying to catch a small animal like a mouse or a mole. If you suspect this is the case, it’s important to supervise your Shiba Inu when they’re outside and make sure they don’t harm any wildlife.

They’re Anxious And Want To Escape

Finally, digging can signal that your Shiba Inu is anxious and wants to escape. This is especially true if they’re digging near a fence or gate. If you suspect that your Shiba Inu is feeling anxious, it’s important to address the underlying cause and provide them with the support they need.

By understanding why your Shiba Inu is digging, you can take steps to address the behavior and prevent it from becoming a problem. Whether it’s providing more stimulation, addressing anxiety, or creating a cool place for your dog to lay, there are many ways to help your Shiba Inu feel happy and content.


Digging is a natural behavior for Shiba Inus, and it’s important to understand the reasons behind it. While digging can be destructive, it’s also a way for your Shiba Inu to release energy, alleviate boredom, and cool down on hot days.

To prevent excessive digging, make sure your Shiba Inu is getting enough exercise and mental stimulation. Provide plenty of toys and chews, and take your dog for regular walks and play sessions.

If your Shiba Inu is digging inappropriately, it’s important to redirect their behavior. Provide a designated digging area, such as a sandbox or designated spot in the yard, and reward your dog for digging there. Consistency is key, and it may take some time for your Shiba Inu to learn the appropriate place to dig.

It’s also important to address any underlying issues that may be causing your Shiba Inu to dig excessively, such as anxiety or boredom. Consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist for advice and guidance on how to address these issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Shiba Inus Destructive?

Shiba Inus are known for their digging behavior, which can be destructive if not properly managed. However, this behavior can be redirected and minimized with proper training and exercise. Shiba Inus are also known to be independent and stubborn, which can lead to destructive behavior if they are not given enough mental and physical stimulation.

What Are The Cons Of A Shiba Inu?

While Shiba Inus are known for their loyalty and affectionate nature, there are some cons to consider before bringing one into your home. Shiba Inus can be stubborn and difficult to train, which can be frustrating for some owners. They also have a high prey drive and may not get along with other pets in the household.

Additionally, Shiba Inus are known for their excessive shedding, which can be a concern for those with allergies.

Do Coffee Grounds Stop Dogs Digging?

No scientific evidence supports the claim that coffee grounds can stop dogs from digging. While coffee grounds may have a strong scent that can deter some dogs, it is not a reliable or effective method for stopping digging behavior. Instead, it is recommended to address the root cause of the digging behavior through proper training and exercise.

In summary, Shiba Inus can be prone to digging behavior, but with proper training and exercise, this behavior can be redirected and minimized. Before bringing one into your home, it’s important to consider the cons of owning a Shiba Inu, such as their stubbornness and high prey drive. Lastly, it’s important to note that coffee grounds are not a reliable or effective method for stopping digging behavior in dogs.

Colby Adkins

I am a proud Shiba Inu owner who is just looking to share any tips, tricks, or advice I have to help others.

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