Meet the Mame Shiba Inu: An Adorable Bean-Sized Shiba

As a dog lover, you might have often admired the adorable Shiba Inu breed known for its fox-like looks and energetic personality. But perhaps, you have wondered if there’s a smaller version of these charming canines.

Mame Shiba Inu

What Is A Mame Shiba Inu?

Mame Shiba Inus are basically smaller versions of the regular Shiba Inu breed. They’re just as adorable and charming as their larger counterparts, but in a more compact size that some people find more suitable for their lifestyle.

What Does “Mame” Mean?

The term “mame” (pronounced mah-may) originates from Japanese and can be translated to “bean” in English. It’s used here to represent the idea that these dogs are smaller-sized, just like a bean is smaller in comparison to other objects.

Mame Shiba Inus have the same characteristics as the standard Shiba Inu: they’re intelligent, loyal, and independent. These pint-sized pups can adapt well to apartment living and make great companions for those who may not have the space for a full-sized Shiba. However, always remember that even small dogs require regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy.

Mame Shiba Inu Size And Weight

Hey there, let’s talk about the adorable Mame Shiba Inu, a smaller version of the well-known Shiba Inu breed. You might be curious about its size, height, and weight, so let’s dive right in.

First off, the Mame Shiba Inu is typically about 35-50% smaller than the regular Shiba Inu. In terms of height, you can expect these cute little pups to grow to about 11-13 inches (28-33 cm) tall at the shoulder. Now, that’s quite the difference compared to full-sized Shiba Inus, which generally stand at 13.5-16.5 inches (35-42 cm) for females and 14.5-16.5 inches (37-45 cm) for males.

When it comes to weight, Mame Shibas tend to be lighter than their standard-sized counterparts. While female Shiba Inus usually weigh around 17-20 pounds (7.7-9 kg) and males weigh around 20-24 pounds (9-10.9 kg), Mame Shiba Inus generally tip the scales at a mere 10-14 pounds (4.5-6.4 kg) for both genders.

Of course, remember that each dog is unique, and there might be variations within the breed. But now you have a general idea of how these smaller versions of Shiba Inus measure up in terms of size, height, and weight.

What Were Mame Shiba Inus Bred For?

Mame Shiba Inus, a smaller-sized version of the well-known Shiba Inu, might have caught your eye with their adorable looks. This Japanese breed was initially bred for a specific purpose.

In the past, your typical Shiba Inu was primarily known as a hunter. They were skilled at pursuing wild game, such as boar, birds, and even bears. However, Mame Shiba Inus’ role evolved over time due to their petite size which made them less efficient at hunting tasks.

Instead of focusing on their hunting skills, breeders began emphasizing Mame Shiba Inus as companion dogs. Given their loyalty and affection, it’s easy to see why you’d appreciate having them as your furry friend. With their slightly smaller stature compared to the standard Shiba Inu, they make great pets for those with limited living space, too.

It’s important to note that Mame Shiba Inus retain their territorial instincts, just like the larger Shiba Inus. As an owner, you should be prepared to provide proper training and socialization to ensure their territorial behavior doesn’t lead to any issues. This will help your Mame Shiba Inu become a well-rounded and friendly companion!

Remember to always research and consider your living situation and lifestyle before bringing a Mame Shiba Inu—or any dog breed—into your life. Finding the right fit will ensure both you and your pet can enjoy a long-lasting and happy relationship.


The Mame Shiba Inu is a smaller version of the Shiba Inu breed that possesses the same intelligence, loyalty, and independence as standard Shiba Inus.

They are charming and have a compact size suitable for various lifestyles. The term “mame” originates from Japanese, meaning “bean,” symbolizing their smaller size. They adapt well to apartment living but still need exercise and mental stimulation.

Mame Shiba Inus are about 35-50% smaller, reaching 11-13 inches tall and weighing 10-14 pounds. They were originally bred as hunters, but their petite size made them evolve into companion dogs. Proper training and socialization are crucial because they still retain their territorial instincts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does A Mini Shiba Inu Cost?

When considering adding a mini Shiba Inu to your family, you might be curious about their cost. The price of a mini Shiba Inu can vary depending on factors such as breeder reputation, location, and coat color, but they typically range from $1,200 to $3,000.

Are There Different Sizes Of Shiba Inu?

There are different sizes of Shiba Inus. The standard Shiba Inu is a medium-sized breed, but there’s also a smaller version known as the Mame Shiba Inu, which is about 35% smaller than the standard size.

What Are Miniature Shiba Inus Called?

Miniature Shiba Inus are often referred to as Mame Shiba Inus. The term “Mame” comes from the Japanese word meaning “bean,” which implies their smaller size compared to the standard Shiba Inu.

What Are Some Small Japanese Dog Breeds?

If you’re looking for small Japanese dog breeds, other than the Mame Shiba Inu, check out these options:

  • Japanese Chin
  • Japanese Spitz
  • Shih Tzu (technically from China originally, but popular in Japan)

How Much Does A Miniature Shiba Inu Cost?

The cost of a miniature Shiba Inu, or a Mame Shiba Inu, is typically between $1,200 and $3,000. Factors such as breeder reputation, location, and coat color can influence the price.

When considering adopting a Mame Shiba Inu, keep in mind their energetic and alert nature. They’ll require regular exercise and mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. As with any dog, ensure you’re ready for the commitment and have done your research on the breed beforehand.

Colby Adkins

I am a proud Shiba Inu owner who is just looking to share any tips, tricks, or advice I have to help others.

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